Beavers’ Microadventure Jan 2024

Date: 16th Jan 2024 Author: Scout Websites

Last Saturday night, the Beavers embarked on their Microadventure. This was the second beaver-only Microadventure that has taken place in the 11th Edgware scout group. The group met at Frith Grange campsite, for plenty of activities and, of course, food!

The evening started off with the Beavers finding their rooms, laying out their sleeping bags and making their beds. There was much excitement over the bunkbeds. This was followed by watching Gavi, our Young leader, put up his tent, yes – you heard it, his tent! Gavi , and a number of the other young leaders and leaders are all taking part in a scout challenge where they have to sleep under canvas every month for a whole year. This included last weekend at -5°C. We’re very proud of him and our new GSL, Dan Turek, for doing this last weekend at Frith.
The Beavers then enjoyed their very first wide game: running around a dark field with their torches, collecting postcards, stickers and paper clips, hoping be the team to collect the most.
Having been at the Microadventure for an hour and a half, it was obviously time to eat. Supper consisted of veggie hotdogs and cheesy pasta which was greeted with much joy. The last activity of the evening was a quiz, however, the main excitement of this activity was the buzzers that each Lodge were given to use.
Bedtime was preceded by hot chocolate and Sunshine’s home-made brownies – a must at any camp.

After a good night’s sleep for some (and not such a good night’s sleep for others) Sunday morning started with packing up. Well done to Louis, who was the only beaver who managed to put his sleeping bag inside its bag all on his own.

Following a breakfast of eggy bread, Coco Pops, and chocolate spread sandwiches, the Beavers took part in Tomahawk throwing and Parachute games. Finally, we welcomed the parents to our closing ceremony.

All in all, a very fun and successful Microadventure. Well done to all the Beavers who stayed away for the very first time.
HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III